Verily, You Were Not That Great of a Door Either

Some Bendy Kenaya commissioned from (currently) twitter user stabkov

Twitter user @SarahRottner and ???????, Shutocon 2018


A set of commissioned kanaya sketches for @sudrien! The theme for these was to come up with some novelty/useful things to fit into kan’s stomach-hole! Having your own portable Orbit jellyfish tank sounds badass… There’s no practical use for attaching yourself to an anchor besides photo-shoots though hah.

Also I couldn’t resist the idea of rose trying to get crunk at an evanescence concert.



The vote was 2 for Kanaya (There’s 1 for Nepeta but we’ll get to that another time)

“you thought that was it? have another


you thought that was it? have another


I’ve been watching a lot of xfiles

(They’ll change the woooorld one mystery at a ttiiiiime)

your style has such a Don't Starve vibe to it and i'm living honestly it looks so good i love the whole pointy sketchy look my skin is clear and my crops are thriving
— Asks tumblr user Anonymous



Dude! that game. I remember when it came out it became pretty popular. I never played it, should do it. The aesthetic looks beautiful~

I always consider the sketch the one which marks the intention of the drawing. When you erase or cover it, the illustration loses life. That’s why I usually prefer sketchs before linearts or full color drawings.

Thank you so much!! Here a drawing for you ^^

“ “tomatop: you dont like its thats fine i was just drawing at like 4;00 and im like ohh
” ”


tomatop: you dont like its thats fine i was just drawing at like 4;00 and im like ohh


Contortionist! Kanaya commission


fashionable kanayas