Verily, You Were Not That Great of a Door Either


I was just going to post a couple of the SFW ones in a field journal setup on allegro, since I prefer to keep that account more professional and sfw, but then an Anon asked where the others could be found and figured I could probably post them here.

This is the full set of contortion troll sketches commissioned by @sudrien. It was one of the more challenging prompts I’ve gotten, but fun nonetheless when it came to figuring out anatomy.

“commission for @envy-catwalk of their cute lil fantroll :)


commission for @envy-catwalk of their cute lil fantroll :)


Super-Duper Rough Sketches. I’m trying to figure out a style where I can comfortably draw my trolls without focusing -too- much on a pure realism style.

Mostly focused on Sriana, with the second picture also including Dezrah. They’re polar opposites of each other, with Sriana being very impulsive, impatient and often destructive thanks to her interest in fire while Dezrah is cautious, patient and protective of the belongings he’s worked hard to obtain. Very early on in their acquaintanceship, Dezrah banned her from his home after the destruction of several of his books thanks to her carelessness so she’s only able to keep in contact with him via chat client anymore.

“letsre sighkl ya’ll


letsre sighkl ya’ll

“psyche’s old fantroll design. she used to have such puffy hair.


psyche’s old fantroll design. she used to have such puffy hair.


Doodled the second one first. Then got the idea for the first one but was simultaneously lazy. May clean it up at some point. I dunno. 

“Zyriee contortion - a scribbles dump. Not sure if I’ll ever finish any of these. Maybe. Who knows.
(Have some CeZyr in there too)


Zyriee contortion - a scribbles dump. Not sure if I’ll ever finish any of these. Maybe. Who knows.

(Have some CeZyr in there too)

“When you stick her in a box where she can touche all sides, expect weird poses.


When you stick her in a box where she can touche all sides, expect weird poses.


Still having fun

“Fantroll for @sudrien ,
…A significant upgrade


Fantroll for @sudrien

…A significant upgrade
