Verily, You Were Not That Great of a Door Either

What’s a Good Pun For ‘Carbon Copy?’

Commissioned from @superdegenerate64, originally posted to

…I had originally proposed a homestuck-based piece, similar to the prompt later given to @drywithme, but he was completey unfamiliar with the lore.

So there is only the slightest bit of possible reference in the resulting work.

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“i drew my old oc scarlet as a commission for @sudrien . she’s a slime girl mech pilot.


i drew my old oc scarlet as a commission for @sudrien . she’s a slime girl mech pilot.

John, if you’re going to be a proper ectobiologist, you really need to follow through. Alternatively, come from a timeline where the automated sequence kicks off properly.

Homestuck has hooks for canon goo/slime people, but hardly anybody seemed to catch it. This not-quite-mom-lalonde commissioned from @drywithme (NSFW Link).