Verily, You Were Not That Great of a Door Either

Some Bendy Kenaya commissioned from (currently) twitter user stabkov

“I’m in Chicago for @c2e2 and gearing up for my SKY soloshow @coreyhelfordgallery this sat. ☺️ I am so inspired for this body of work. It got me thinking about the first painting that I did that set me on my Rainbow path. So for...


I’m in Chicago for @c2e2 and gearing up for my SKY soloshow @coreyhelfordgallery this sat. ☺️ I am so inspired for this body of work. It got me thinking about the first painting that I did that set me on my Rainbow path. So for #throwbackthursday I’m sharing “Beyond The Rainbow” a painting I made in 2012. Back in 2011 I wasn’t sure I’d continue to paint. It’s a crazy feeling to be trapped by your own art and feel like you have to produce similar paintings for gallery shows. But that’s what happened to me. I felt like my heart wasn’t in the art and my creativity was wasting out of me and suddenly this image popped into my head! When Tara McPherson asked me to show at her gallery The Cottoncandy Machine I decided to paint outside my box and risk painting girls with rainbows instead of animals, hidden eyes instead of big crying ones! Tara told me to paint whatever I wanted and I did. So my Rainbow Children were born! 🌈 I was liberated. “Beyond the rainbow” freed me to be myself, to create art that came from my soul even if it wasn’t my normal concepts. I took a chance with my art and I’ve never looked back since.☺️ With “Sky” I am freeing my voice and shouting about love and unity! It’s all thanks to this painting. I carry her with me keeping her close to remind me to always create art that comes from my heart. So for any artists out there, stay true to yourself! I hope to see you lovelies at the convention ! I’ll have prints of her with me at Artist Alley S1 and booth 1182 as well as online at hugs 💓and squishes! #tbt #freeyourself #openyourheart #rainbowchildren

“Some quick… stuff.


Some quick… stuff.

Feferi Lives


A comic where Hussies own written rules about troll highbloods actually have continuity but character personalities absolutely do not lmao. (Also some logic beside that)


(This comic is HEAVY on cartoon blood not just the first two panels here so be warned.)


Keep reading


Dat hole


kanayas for @sudrien

“A hand with skin unwinding and blood and flecks of bone floating upwards.


A hand with skin unwinding and blood and flecks of bone floating upwards.

who is... la chancla niΓ±a
— Asks tumblr user Anonymous


A FILLER CHARACTER whose design is simply from a previous commission

“la chancla niña” in

was in a draft of

…which of course I hoarded
